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Two tutus to do

This is just a sneak peek at one of the Pixie Kittens that Max Bailey and I made. Two of them have been waiting for tutus for a long time. I had been waiting for my other sewing machine to be repaired, but now I’m forging ahead without it.

This tutu is for fitting only, but the final one will be in the same color.

I’ve been working on the Ruffing’s site, trying to make some necessary changes so I can switch our hosting accounts over to Linux. I’m looking into using WordPress instead of Blogger, but it has some features that appear to work better, or that are at least easier to implement, on Linux. Again, if you’re on Facebook, please join the Ruffing’s fan page. I will use that as a place to post an announcement, if I run into any problems over the next two and a half months, while I attempt to get everything moved. I’ll also post any announcements on our home pages of each of our sites, but just in case those pages are down, I’ll use the Facebook page as a backup plan.

My neck and shoulders are so sore and prickly from working at the computer! Ah well. Hopefully we’ll be getting a new computer soon too, as this one is groaning away. Lots to do…