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Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max Bailey

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyMelody is a beautiful Siamese cat whose sapphire blue eyes, sweet expression, and loving nature make her dear to everyone who knows her.

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyMelody can almost always be found sitting in high places, where she can see everyone and everything around her, and where, most importantly, she can be seen.

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyWhile Melody is not known for her singing voice, she is always ready for a conversation. She’ll discuss any topic at great length.

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyToday, Melody is wearing her favorite blue blouse and tights, with her pinwheel patterned skirt. Her fancy gold boots match the buttons on her blouse.

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyMelody is an original one-of-a-kind work of art, created from my own design and pattern. She is made from 100% cotton fabric which has been sewn, stuffed, and completely hand painted with acrylic paints. Her whiskers are made from stiffened cotton thread.

Melody, Original One-of-a-kind Siamese Cat Art Doll by Max BaileyMelody’s paws are needle-sculpted, and her arms are button-jointed so that she can pose. Her face was sculpted from paperclay smoothed into her fabric head. Her curled tail enables her to sit by herself on a shelf or a table, or in a cabinet. She can also sit on a chair, or stand with a doll stand. (Chair and doll stand not included.) Melody is meant for display only.

Melody is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation. She is a petite 7 and 1/2 inches tall.

Update: Melody has been adopted. Thank you!
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White ducksI was happy to see the sun shining today, not just because it makes me feel more upbeat than I feel on rainy days, but because we’ve been waiting to photograph Max’s new cat art dolls. Max made some smaller cats in dresses, while I’ve been making toys. I still have some Pixie Kitten bodies in progress that I need to finish, but I keep getting orders for toys, which has left Max at the sewing machine. We will be posting our new creations in our Ruffing’s shop.

The ducks enjoy rainy days, and will come visiting no matter. We enjoyed a visit from them this afternoon. They are wandering more, now that the weather has become warmer, the grasses are growing, and there is more to forage.

Light yellow fleece Hug Me Slug by Elizabeth RuffingI finished this light yellow fleece Hug Me Slug today, while Max was busy working on the doll stories to go with the new kitties. I was on a sunshine theme, I think, or it felt like a good day for yellow.

Light yellow fleece Hug Me Slug by Elizabeth RuffingBelow is a sneak peek at Max’s new dolls, Zelda the tuxedo cat, Melody the Siamese, and Amy the white cat. They are about 7 1/2 to 8 1/2 inches tall. Max made their clothes. I did have a hand in resizing Amy’s pinafore, in between my making slugs. I think they are all very sweet. Once I am finished editing their photos, we’ll put them up in our Ruffing’s shop.

Zelda the Tuxedo Cat, Melody the Siamese Cat, and Amy the White Cat, original one-of-a-kind cat art dolls by Max BaileyWe had an extra assistant today, in the form of Santana the Peeping Tom Cat. Santana is well-known to my Facebook friends. He comes over to our house almost every day, to look in all our windows and doors. I’d never seen anything like that before. He has climbed up on garbage cans to get a look in the kitchen window. He lives one house away, and is apparently very curious about his cat neighbors. Today he was curious about cat dolls. He was even trying to get in the house.

Santana the Peeping Tom Cat comes to help photograph new dollsSome of our cats do not enjoy his visits, but he couldn’t care less, from the look of him. He loves to taunt. He will stare in, or punch at, the doors or windows for as long as he likes. Here are a couple of videos of him taunting one of our cats.

Below is one of my favorite photos of Santana staring in the house from the back door. I love the look of determination on his face. What a character. Surprisingly, since Santana has been watching us, at least two other cats have shown up to look in the doors or windows too. All our cats, and Santana, are fixed, and so it isn’t due to anything like that. I had no idea we were so interesting. One morning recently, the ducks were on the deck looking in the back door too, in the dark of the early morning. I opened the door, and was surprised to find them there. Someday I may open the door and have a rush of animals run inside.

Santana the Peeping Tom Cat stares in our back doorTomorrow, I am heading out on another cat-catching adventure. This time we are picking up little Gyspy for his big vet day. Should be fun. I hope I can get myself up and awake early, with the Daylight Savings Time change!

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Holiday poll

I was wishing out loud today, that I had more of an idea of what people might like to see from us for the holidays. I have a few weeks ahead where I will be busy, but I’m never quite sure where exactly to best direct my attention.

Pixie Kittens, Original One-of-a-kind Cat Fairy Art Dolls by Max Bailey and Elizabeth RuffingPixie Kittens

Of course, most of my attention will go toward projects I am already working on, but I always find myself short on something someone wishes he or she could have when the holidays come near. A friend suggested I try a poll, and so I am leaving one at the end of this post.

Hug Me! Slugs, Original Art Toys by Elizabeth RuffingHug Me! Slugs

If you are considering doing some holiday shopping with us, please take a moment to let me know where your interests may be. I will try to have some of everything, but I never can predict. Of course, if you are here just to read and look at what I’m up to, that is great too. This is just to give me an idea of what I might want to have more of by holiday time.

Hug Me! Sock Kittens, Original Art Toys by Elizabeth RuffingHug Me! Sock Kittens

I am bound to throw in some things not on the list too, if I have the time. Last year I got in a crunch where I was barely leaving the house for a couple of weeks. So, I’d like to try to be a little more prepared, if I can.

Hug Me! Toads, Original Art Toys by Elizabeth RuffingHug Me! Toads

If there is something else you’ve been hoping to see more of, please feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email. I received a very nice email today asking if I’ll be coming out with more paintings, and the answer is yes, I will. I’ve got a bunch in various stages, although I’m not sure when I’ll have them ready to post. I tend to start so many projects that sometimes it takes me a while to circle back around and finish them.

Hug Me! Hippo, Original Art Toys by Elizabeth RuffingHug Me! Hippo

So, here it is…my first poll. Thanks for the input!

[poll id=”2″]

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Celeste starts the season

Celeste the Pixie Kitten, Original One-of-a-kind Tabby Cat Fairy Art Doll by Max Bailey and Elizabeth RuffingI just put up Celeste the Pixie Kitten’s web page, with lots of photos of her floating around amongst the yellow chrysanthemums. Please visit her and enjoy all the fall color. There is lots of yellow, Celeste’s favorite color.

Celeste the Pixie Kitten, Original One-of-a-kind Tabby Cat Fairy Art Doll by Max Bailey and Elizabeth RuffingI got up this morning, realizing it is now November, which means it is time to focus on getting everything going for the holiday season. This tends to be the start of our busiest time of year, and hopefully we will be busy again this year. It’s time to get organized, time to make new dolls and toys, time to take their pictures, and post their stories.