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Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max Bailey

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyAngel is a tabby Maine Coon kitten. Her expression is always angelic.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyAngel wears a forest green dress with a pale green ruffle around the neck and down the front. The ruffle is trimmed in pale gold.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyAngel comes with a mahogany-stained dollhouse spindle cradle. Her mattress, pillow, and coverlet are striped in two shades of green. There’s no better place for an angel to take a nap.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyAngel is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only.

Ingrid, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Ragdoll Kitten by Art Doll Max BaileyShe was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Angel was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten by Art Doll Max BaileyShe is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyAngel and her cradle are 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.)

Angel is 2 inches tall.

Angel, Original One-of-a-kind Dollhouse-sized Maine Coon Kitten Art Doll by Max BaileyUpdate: Angel has been adopted. Thank you!

Angel’s friends are, from left to right, Isabelle the Ragdoll kitten, Sophia the Siamese kitten, and Taffy the Persian kitten.

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All eyed and hearted

Zigzagging fabric edgesThis is what I’ve been up to for the past two weeks. I picked up more batiks, feeling inspired after going to a trunk show that featured colorful paper-pieced quilts by Deb Karasik.

Batik fabricsI started with greens. I finished the edges of my fabric and prewashed it before I cut and sewed a batch of Hug Me Slugs and Hug Me Bugs.

Batik Hug Me Slugs and Hug Me Bugs, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingThe batik toys, and cotton toys in general, take more time to make and are a fussier to work with than the fleece toys, with so many curves to clip and Fray Check on the inside.

Batik Hug Me Slugs and Hug Me Bugs, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingAfter the machine sewing and the stuffing are done, the hand sewing begins. Their bottoms are sewn on by hand. I embroidered their smiles and attached the whites of their eyes with a blanket stitch and floss. They looked like zombies. Then I moved on to the hearts and pupils. Now they can see!

Batik Hug Me Slugs and Hug Me Bugs, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingI still have to photograph them individually, and post them in my Etsy toy shop.

My dad holding me when I was a babyHope everyone enjoyed Father’s Day. This is my dad holding me when I was new to the world.

Yard full of dandelionsOur lawn was covered with and abundance of pretty dandelions this week, and the butterfly bushes and the shoal creek chaste tree have been in bloom.

Butterfly bush and shoal creek chaste treeThe bees and butterflies love them, and they are such beautiful shades of lavender, blue, and purple.

Shoal creek chaste treeThe one above is the shoal creek chaste tree, and below are the two, the butterfly bush arching over the other.

Butterfly bush and shoal creek chaste treeAnd this is a special sleepy cat flower.

Sleepy kitty cat under the bushes

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Turquoise and orange spotted toads

Turquoise Hug Me Sock Toads, with polka dots, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingI finished a small group of Hug Me Sock Toad stuffed animal toys today. They all have polka dots.

Soft Yellow and Orange Hug Me Sock Toad, with polka dots, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingI will be putting my handmade stuffed animal toys and other creatures in our Ruffing’s shop.

Soft Yellow and Orange Hug Me Sock Toads, with polka dots, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingThis one is examining a beautiful lace-cap hydrangea that was a Mother’s Day gift years ago. It has gotten huge this year.

Turquoise Hug Me Sock Toads, with polka dots, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingThis is what they look like on the bottom. I sew signed, handmade tags made of coordinating quilting cotton to each one. I turn under the edges of my tags and stitch them on by hand to make them neat.

Hug Me Sock Toads signed on the bottom, original art toys by Elizabeth RuffingPhoebe assisted me with my photo props today, checking out our doll bench and playing with the straw hat I used to cart them outdoors.

Tabby cat playing with my straw hat, photo by Elizabeth RuffingShe likes to participate in her own way. She’s been letting me pet her on the tail more lately. We’re hoping she’ll let us pet the rest of her eventually.

Tabby cat, photo by Elizabeth RuffingBertie, below, is more confident. I think that even shows in her face.

Tabby cat, photo by Elizabeth Ruffing