Smiling Freddie tabby cat Logo for La Maisonnette des Chats - The Little House of Cats

La Maisonnette des Chats – The Little House of Cats

La Maisonnette des Chats – The Little House of Cats

Please help us feed and care for our colony cats by purchasing items from our website,

by donating to the cats’ GoFundMe:,

by donating using Zelle,

by donating directly to their vet: Triangle Tower Animal Hospital in Raleigh, NC (Choose the option to select the receptionist and the account is under my name, Elizabeth Ruffing),

by donating food and supplies from the cats’ Amazon Wish List: ,

or by donating lunch and dinner for the cats:

Thank you for any help!

Smiling Freddie tabby cat Logo for La Maisonnette des Chats - The Little House of Cats

This smiling tabby cat is Freddie, the first resident of La Maisonnette des Chats, or The Little House of Cats, and our forever mascot. Freddie, also known as “First in Line Freddie” and “Fredward” was part of our colony cat relocation project. I started feeding and caring for colony of cats in town in 2018. They used to live next to a busy shopping area, in the woods next to a machine shop, and at our local library, before we relocated them to their new home, dubbed La Maisonnette des Chats – The Little House of Cats by a dear friend of ours.

The area where the cats lived their whole lives before they moved here became too busy. We were asked to move the cats. Thanks to your generous donations, they have a nice new little house, with a heater and an air conditioner, and a a Purrfect Fence cat enclosure.

We need continued donations to cover their medical care and food.

With your help, we have been able to bring this group of cats here to live, and get them the vet care they needed. As they were relocated, they each needed three vaccines (Rabies, FVRCP, and Leukemia) and two boosters (FVRCP and Leukemia), microchips, Profender (a dewormer), and Revolution Plus. Several needed to be spayed or neutered. With your donations, we were able to take in those who were in need of urgent medical attention first, those with eye injuries, eye infections, upper respiratory infections, and those who needed spay/neuters. Those cats are all doing well. Others went to rescues and were adopted, and some went directly to homes and to a farm.

Your donations have also provided food, blankets, and shelter for these colony cats for the past several years. We could not have done this without your help. Thank you so very much!

We need donations to cover the ongoing costs for all the cats. We are not a charity, but your gifts help us keep up with food and vet care for the cats. Any donations for the cats are only used for the cats. The cats always have needs for food. They are eating Purina Naturals Original dry food, Iams Proactive Health Healthy Adult with Chicken dry food, and Friskies canned food. They need to be kept on Revolution Plus, a monthly topical, as one of the cats tested positive for heart worm. They need to be kept up to date on their vaccines as well. All of these things are costly. Please help if you can. Additionally, we still need paint to finish their house and some flooring to make cleaning easier.

Any donation of any size is very much appreciated. Everything helps. Thanks so much.

Our Instagram page:

A tour of the cat yard