Buy breakfast and dinner for the kitties of La Maisonnette des Chats – The Little House of Cats


Tabby kitten sits with front paws together in front of a catnip toy

Please send the kitties breakfast and dinner! Meals will be served with your compliments to our rescued cats at “La Maisonnnette des Chats.” That’s fancy for “The Little House of Cats.” Their food and supplies may be purchased and sent here via their Amazon Wish List and they also have a GoFundMe. Or you may use this listing to send us the funds to buy two packs of canned cat food or a big bag of dry food to feed to them. Thank you for any help!

As some of you know, we feed lots of cats every day and they eat lots of kitty food! The cats used to live in a busy shopping area, an industrial park, and at a library. Now they have their own place here. Thank you for your kindness. Meow!

You can read more about the cats on La Maisonnette des Chats -The Little House of Cats page, and see their videos and photos on our Instagram page.


Tabby kitten sits with front paws together in front of a catnip toy

Ellijah Violet the tabby kitten, sitting in front of his catnip kicker, donated by a friend, from Alley Cats and Angels Etsy shop.

A lynx-point Siamese cat sits in front of his empty red bowl

Sebastian the lynx-point Siamese, looking disappointed that Archie ate all the dinner.

A Siamese cat curls his tail around an umbrella pole

Sasha the Siamese, curling his tail around the umbrella pole before settling in to watch the sunset.

A tabby cat sits on top of a post cap

Finnegan the tabby cat, showing off his balancing skills on the post cap the the deck of La Maisonnette.

A black-and-white cat and a tabby-and-white cat cuddle while they sleep

Sasquatch the black-and-white cat, with his best friend Val, the one-eyed tabby-and-white cat, cuddling together as they sleep.

A tabby-and-white cat plays with a pink catnip kicker toy

Gracie the tabby-and-white cat, playing with a pink catnip kicker, donated by a friend, from Alley Cats and Angels Etsy shop.

A white cat with black spots lies on a red blanket in a cat

Gabby the white cat with black spots, lounging on her red fuzzy blanket on the catio.

Two orange cats playing

“Team Orange,” Dylan and Linus, getting ready to wrestle.


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