Over the past couple weekends, I’ve been catching up a little with my quilt projects. Above is my progress so far on my (mostly) blue and yellow quilt. I’m assembling it as I go it won’t get out of control.
My experiments with color these past couple weeks expanded to my hair color as well. I’m seeing what life is like as a redhead now. I’ve been blond all my life, except for a brief period after birth when my hair was black, oddly. But since it fell out and the blond grew in, I’ve been blond. I’ve only been out and about a couple times since the change, but I have noticed that women I have never met before seem to feel quite comfortable walking right up to me and asking me for advice, so far on such things as calcium supplements and the age-appropriateness of certain articles of clothing. I’m wondering if I suddenly look more knowledgeable. It’s a little startling, but kind of nice.