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We’ve got snow!

Little pine tree sagging under the snowLast night, there was news that we’d be having the first Christmas snow here since 1947. There were only flurries around bedtime, and so we didn’t know what to expect when we got up this morning.

Snow-covered stepsThis is what the front steps looked like when I got up, but it kept snowing and snowing. My poor kitty did a belly flop trying to walk down those steps. He quickly turned back around and came in the house.

Snow-covered woodsAll the trees are covered and bending with heavy clumps of wet snow.

Snow-covered woodsWe can’t see the pond anymore, from here. I hope the ducks are comfortably hidden away in the brush.

SnowmanThe kids next door rang the bell this afternoon, with a request for buttons for their snowman,

Cats look out the door at the snowbut the kitties and I watched the snow fall, mostly from inside, except for a few forays, by me, to take photos.

Illustrations by Barry Moser, The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty.I finished reading, and enjoying, The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty today. The beautiful illustrations in this edition are made from wood engravings by Barry Moser, who also designed the book, which is lovely.

Illustrations by Barry Moser, The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty.They were wonderful to look at in combination with the snowfall today, so atmospheric and full of mystery, like an enchanted forest.

Illustrations by Barry Moser, The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty.Snow creates such a nice, insulating environment for hiding away. I read in front of the heater, while my cat kept stealing my comfy sitting spots.

Illustrations by Barry Moser, The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty.Tomorrow, I think I will pretend Christmas is still almost here, and sew some more toys. I was reading a column by Emily Martin, where she noted that, for some people, getting ready for the holidays starts in January. That sounds like a good idea to me. By summertime, I have usually lost some oomph in that regard. So, why not start while the experience is still fresh in my mind? I have a Wacom tablet to hook up too, now that I have some time. The printer is still at the shop. I don’t know when we’ll be picking it up. Hopefully there won’t be too much of a delay on orders, between that and the snow.