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Himalayan Cat Art Doll with a Pocket Kitten, part one

Himalayan cat and kitten art dolls in progress

My mom is getting back to making our cat art dolls after a long break. These are a mama Himalayan cat with her little baby pocket kitten. She sculpted them years ago, and had them in a box. I have been encouraging her to get back to her art. She is going to finish painting these kitties.

Mom picked out the floral fabric she liked the best from my stash, and I will be sewing up a pinafore for her cat art doll. It will have a pocket in it to hold the kitten.

We are excited to have new dolls after this long break. Emily, one of our calico cats, loves to watch everything my mom does. She is excited too.

Himalayan Cat Art Doll with a Pocket Kitten, part one

We got out of the house today and took a walk, before making this short video of the dolls. It was a pretty spring day here, and we got back before the rain.

Anne Ruffing sits on a park bench with tall pine trees behind her.
Mom sitting on a park bench, enjoying the spring weather
Pale lavender flowered Chinaberry Tree/Persian Lilac in bloom