My mom finished her American Shorthair silver tabby cat art doll figurine, Sugar, and I took a bunch of short videos of her working in paperclay. I always miss a lot of the steps because I am off doing my own projects or feeding and cleaning up after our real-life kitties. I will post parts 1-6 below, if you would like a sneak peek into her creative process.
We also have a new kitty resident! Harrison showed up a couple of months ago. I knew someone was outside who was new because the cats were making a ruckus. I could see his eyes in the dark when I went out with my flashlight. One night I was out at 3am, trying to stop our cat Chester, who had refused to come in the house that evening, from chasing him. After that, Chester had to come in early!
Eventually, Harrison started to pop out of the brush at dinner time, and he got used to me. One day, he followed me into the cat yard, which is enclosed with a cat fence to keep everyone safe.
Santana, our neighbors’ cat who lives with us, was disappointed because he had made friends with Harrison and wanted him to join in his activities.
Thanks to friends who donated toward his care, Harrison got neutered and vaccinated and microchipped. I am taking him in for boosters still. He is having a very nice time playing with toys in “La Maisonnette des Chats” – The Little House of Cats, our name for our kitty house.
He goes out in the cat yard when it pleases him but it has been hot outside. He enjoys the air conditioning.
Here is a 10 minute tour of the cat yard in the evening, for you to enjoy.
I hope everyone is staying cool. If anyone would like to donate toward the kitties’ care we have ways you can help here: https://ruffings.com/the-little-house-of-cats Sales from this site also go toward taking care of the cats! Thanks so much!