I, of course, redrew parts of my drawings from yesterday, playing around with bunny, kitty, and puppy clothes, and thinning my Hug Me! Slug down a bit. I have to fuss over what I do or I just wouldn’t be myself. Hug Me! Kitty can now be a Siamese or a tuxedo kitty. Today she is Siamese. I really like how her dress came out too. These are photos of the fabric after it was fused onto the background pillow fabric, before I’ve added any machine stitching embellishment.
I cut out and fused these two slugs before I thinned them down in my drawing. They’re well-fed slugs. I must be polka dot happy this week. I’m thinking of ordering some solid color cottons too, for variety.
It feels good to be making something with my hands instead of typing, clicking, and moving a mouse around. I’m enjoying “dressing” these little animals too. Once I have the other two characters fused, I’ll start embellishing them with machine appliqué and some decorative stitches as well.