I had a neat request for a custom stuffed snake to accompany one of my stuffed animal toy Hug Me Slugs to Australia.
I’d never tried a snake. It sounded like fun to me, and it was.
The slug and snake are a gift for someone who had a pair of toys named “Sluggy” and “Snakey” as a child. I hope these will bring back some happy memories.
I drew a tag for the sock snake,
and found a spot on his underside for a heart.
He came out pretty big, maybe 19 inches long. I had a challenge finding a box that would fit the Post Office dimension limits for First Class Mail International, but I lucked out and found I had just the right size box, one that came with some mail-order fleece.
I may try a Hug Me Worm next time so he, or she, will be a little smaller.