This is Buddy the Hug Me Slug. Buddy has a special mission. He was ordered by such a nice lady, to give comfort and cheer to her friend who is going through some difficult challenges right now. So that he would be full of extra love, I gave him two hearts, one on top of the other, purple for bravery, and red for love. Teal is her favorite color. I was so glad I had some teal fleece, when I was asked.
I tried to fill him with well wishes, and I hope his new friend will be all better soon. He went on his way this morning. I added a pretty card and gift bag so he would arrive in style.
This grass green slug went to welcome a new baby boy into the world,
and this purple slug went to welcome someone home.
I finished up more Hug Me Sock Toads, in shades of orange.
These three polka-dotted toads look like they are wearing white undies, so I’m told.
New toys will be posted in our Ruffing’s shop.
I got all those batik Hug Me Bugs and Hug Me Slugs I was working on last time I wrote, posted too.
I leave a path of fabric scraps and paper in my wake.
I often find these sticky-backed paper hearts stuck to the bottoms of my feet, and to the soles of my shoes. A friend said this is a photo showing “both heart and sole” 🙂
My kitty helpers have been napping a lot in the heat.
Some of them are very good at passing out.
Some look like they are dreaming of acrobatics,
But they help whenever they can. Kitties love crafts projects in between naps.
Bertie is hiding from everyone here. No one could possibly ever find her.