I’ve mostly been finishing toys people have asked for, when I’ve had a chance to finish any toys, but I did make these gray and lemon yellow Hug Me Slugs. The apple green Hug Me Bunny was a custom order and is already adopted. They each have my new colored eyes.
We’ve had a lot going on lately, and I haven’t been able to sew as much as I would like. I’ve been doing my dad’s physical therapy with him. He’s been very good about doing his exercises and walking, but his balance is sometimes off. He wakes up a lot at night, and I think he may have taken up sleep walking. I hear him wandering the hall at night. He makes coffee and feeds the cats, and doesn’t remember doing it. I’ve had to strike a balance between checking on him and sleeping because I can’t get up every hour and hope to function.
Dad’s scan results were not what any of us hoped they would be, but we still need to have more tests to confirm what is going on. I am hoping he can resume physical therapy with a trained physical therapist to help him with his balance, but first we need to get more appointments out of the way. I’ll keep doing his exercises with him either way.
Hurricane Junonimo had her spay surgery done. She went into heat early, which was a surprise. She didn’t agree with the idea that she needed to rest afterward, and kept racing around. There was no where to confine her where she would not jump on things. The area got irritated and she pulled out one of her stitches.
The vet tech fit her with a cone, but she had it off by the time we got home. I tried two different cones and made her an embarrassing dress to wear. She would have none of it.
My badly-designed Project Runway reject of a dress stayed on a little longer than the cones, but she got another stitch out. So, we took her to the vet, every other day, to make sure she was okay, until she had the remaining two stitches removed. She is fine now and has moved on to other mischief, like trying to march out the door whenever she gets a chance, and giving me back talk when I tell her to get off the kitchen counter.
I took some friends’ suggestions to try Small Pet Select timothy hay for Oliver Bunny, since he is especially picky about hay. He chose it over his salad the first time I gave it to him.
I see him munching on it, which is good. He has disagreed that bunnies are supposed to have timothy hay as the bulk of their diet. My pets all seem to have rebellious ideas.
Trouble from next door also has rebellious ideas. He likes to see how close he can get to Santana without Santana noticing.
Santana likes to sleep in the garden, and Trouble tucks himself in as inconspicuously as he can, a couple of feet away. The other day, he managed to hide, unnoticed for hours off the edge of the deck, before Santana spotted him. One time I found them lying next to each other under my car.
One night, Trouble was locked out of his house, and slept in Mr Bear’s house on the porch. Eventually, there was an argument. He likes to see how much he can get away with before Santana yells. He even sneaks food out of Santana’s bowl. I suspect he wants to be friends with Santana, but it doesn’t always work out well.
His brother Scooter doesn’t bother being stealthy. He lounges in plain view.
He and Trouble were coming over together for a while, when Dad’s physical therapist was making home visits, to watch Dad do his exercises. They both took a seat at the back door.
They found it entertaining, most of the time.
I have to get those capes on my Wonder Bunnies. I made more Wonder Bunnies, and now I need to make more capes.