These are our first photos of the original folk art cat dolls that Max Bailey and I have done together, wearing their dresses, and posed on the background we picked out. “Loretta and Lulu”, the Siamese mom and her pocket kitten are on the far left. “Chelsea” the Maine Coon Cat, with her birthday cake, is in the middle. “Heidi and Helga” are on the right. Helga is Heidi’s goose.
Emily the ginger tabby cat, and Beatrice the lop rabbit haven’t got their outfits on yet. That’s little Beulah the lop rabbit in Beatrice’s lap.
Heidi was our first cat doll we did together. Then came Loretta and Lulu. Chelsea was the third addition. We’ll be taking more photos before these go up for adoption over in our online doll gallery. They’ll be on the page for jointed dolls eventually, but not until they are all ready. I’ll be sure to post here on this blog, and on the Ruffing’s blog when they are ready for adoption. First, I have some photos of Max’s art doll figurines to edit. I’ll try to get those done as soon as I can.
I believe we are going to create a tuxedo cat doll next, but there is a lot to finish up before we get to her…him? We’ll see. I think we will have to try some mister kitties soon.
I took an extended weekend last weekend and did some fun things, including some first-time-ever things. One of those was taking a ballroom dancing lesson for the first time ever! I love watching Dancing with the Stars, but I have no clue when it comes to doing any of that sort of thing. So, that was a treat. We tried the the rumba and the waltz. I can’t tell you how many tries it took to get me to walk in a circle correctly. I’m still not sure it wasn’t an accident when I finally got it right!
I went to the airport for the first time ever. I have never been on a plane. I still haven’t been! I did watch the planes take off however, and, I admit, I shuddered just watching them lift off the ground. I also got the tour of what you do at the airport, before you get on or off the plane, things I’ve only seen on TV and in the movies. Then I goofed and missed seeing the plane I meant to wave at as it took off.
I also got to see The Soloist, which I really liked a lot. I worked on my Wolverine imitation, but failed to convince anyone to take me to see that:
“Ka-chang! Ka-chang!” (Elizabeth doing “Wolverine fingers”…a sort of distant relative to jazz hands only meaner-looking, and with blades.)
“Why not?”
“Because you are going to keep doing THAT!”
So, no Wolverine for me.
In the middle of the week, I finished getting a ton of fillings done. Yuck. I thought I was taking good care of my teeth, but they rebelled and got little cavities in them. My tongue is still numb and prickly. I hope that goes away soon.
After we get some errands taken care of, I will be back to sewing and photo editing.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. It is getting very warm here in North Carolina.
I’ll have some new doll dresses to show you soon, hopefully.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these.