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And a red sock kitten too

Hug Me! Sock Kittens by Elizabeth RuffingNow there are two sock kittens. Today my turquoise polka-dotted Hug Me! Kitten was joined by a red sock kitten with little multicolored hearts all over her (him?). They’ve been playing together all evening.

Red with hearts Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingThe red sock kitten likes to pretend she can fly.

Hug Me! Sock Kittens by Elizabeth RuffingThe two of them hold onto each other and bounce up and down, pretending they are soaring through the air like super heroes.

Red with hearts Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingI was lucky to catch hold of her to get this picture. They’re very rambunctious.

Red with hearts Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingThe red sock kitten has a gold fleece heart. I think that means she has a heart of gold.

Hug Me! Sock Kittens by Elizabeth RuffingShe certainly makes a good friend. There are rumors that there are more sock kittens hiding in my workroom. I hope they don’t make too much of a racket playing tonight.

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Hug Me, Sock Kitten!

Turquoise Polka Dot Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingI was trying to get my act together this morning, intending to head out for a while, but nothing came together properly. So, I stayed home and sewed up this sock kitten! I took some tips from the two sock doll books I have by Daniel, which are great books for anyone wanting to experiment with free-form toy creation. It’s fun, like making balloon animals. I say that not remembering if I’ve ever made balloon animals, but what they have in common is the idea of taking a tube shape and seeing where you can go with it.

Turquoise Polka Dot Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingI was debating over adding the fleece heart, but once I’d thought of it, I felt I needed to give him one. You can’t go back on giving someone a heart.

I took him outside to photograph him, and of course, he ran right up a tree.

Turquoise Polka Dot Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingOnce I got him back inside, he stretched out for a nap, taunting all the slugs a little first, by waving his paws around. They haven’t got any appendages, and so, he was doing some showing off.

Turquoise Polka Dot Hug Me! Sock Kitten by Elizabeth RuffingI think I will make some more kittens, and call them “Hug Me! Kittens”. This sock kitten is in my Etsy shop.

My own, much larger kitten helped me with another project, removing the overly-scratched carpet from the legs of our cat gym. The plan is to cover the legs with new carpeting and sisal rope. The legs were looking very disreputable. This is only a human opinion.

Kitty investigates cat gym reupholstering projectThe feline consensus of opinion was that they looked perfect, as they were. Here is one of the mournful looks I was given after removing the beloved carpeting. She got over it quickly and found something else to do. She’ll be happy when she sees the new carpeting and the sisal rope. I was joking with my mom, saying the cats would be just as happy if I threw the rope and a piece of carpet on the floor. But that wouldn’t look nice. Again, just a human opinion.

Kitty investigates cat gym reupholstering projectOne sorry note for the week…my Viking sewing machine made a return trip from California, where it went for repair, having never been claimed at the Post Office. I have no idea why the seller had his repair technician call me to go over the repairs, and then sent me the address to which he wanted me to ship my machine, and then never picked it up. I’ve received no reply, so far, if indeed I ever will. I’ve had issues before, as you may have already read on my blog, and I’ve had him not answer for a long time, because he’s been in and out of the country. But you would think someone would be there to claim packages at least. Not looking good. Not that it has been looking good, at all, ever, but that is the current status on my Viking sewing machine nightmare. I’ve heard from people who have had similar problems. I don’t know what to say other than I’ll never be getting a Viking sewing machine again.

Using my Kenmore sewing machineI’m still using my Kenmore, pictured above, that I got as a spare. It’s been behaving very well. Once I have some extra money, I’ll ask around some more, to see if I can find someone honest who might be able to replace the faulty and broken parts on my Viking. A friend has suggested a Viking Funeral for the machine, but I’ll wait to see what develops.

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Posing with slugs and one lone toad

I’ve finally settled on slug sizes that I’m happy with. I was going to just have two sizes, but I kept the small, 7 inch size, and just added a 9 inch, and a 12 inch slug size. I’ve readjusted their pricing to be proportionate with the new sizes. The custom-made slugs are currently available in 9 or 12 inches, and I have a bunch of ready-made 7 inch ones. You can still name your own slug, either way.

I’ve got ten new sluggies to put in my Etsy shop. I added a “Hug Me! Slugs” category to make finding them easier.

I’ve also added a “Sock Animals” category. I will get all these guys and girls in there as soon as I can. Unfortunately, our old computer is having fits of despair, which is making all my work go much more slowly. I think this may be the weekend we finally opt to get a new computer. I’ll have to learn how to use it though, since we’ll be switching to a Mac this time.

I talked my mom into photographing me holding slugs yesterday, so you all can see what the sizes really look like in comparison to a person. Looking at them all by themselves doesn’t give much sense of scale.

It was the end of the day, and I was pretty tired when we took these. I tried to smile, but even the corners of my mouth were tired!

Hopefully these will give you an idea at least, of the new sizes. I’ll add them to my listings as soon as I get a chance.

I sure hope editing photos will be easier on a new computer. I’ve been here all day, just trying to adjust these to sort of match each other. It’s been exasperating. I guess that will make me all the more happy to have a new computer, once we get one.

I need to expand my toad collection too!