Before I forget…I set up a brand new fan page for Ruffing’s over on Facebook. I’m posting photos of art from each of us, and my videos, and anything new that comes up. Please “become a fan” if you are over that way. To those of you who already became a fan, thanks very much!
We are getting some snow and sleet here, the only snow we’ve had so far this year. I hurried to get a couple of “Hug Me! Slug” orders out ahead of the storm, just in case we got snowed in. There isn’t much snow, but I don’t know how the ice will be.
You might notice I am playing with my slug sizes. Super Slug is a little bigger than the other small-sized slugs. I’m still experimenting. I’d like to just have a small and large size, instead of having a medium in between. I might even leave the Super Slug a bit larger than the other slugs. He is super, after all.
I made his cape fuller too. It’s easier to do more with his cape when he’s bigger like this.
He came out about 8 1/2 to 8 3/4 inches tall, instead of the 7 1/4 inches of the small slugs. I might make them closer to 8 inches tall. I’m fiddling.
I also changed my web site photo. I asked my mom to take some new photos of me. I was going for more casual, a little more nerdy.
I find this one amusing, and the next really sad.
But I do think my eyes look really cool in that one, even if I look forlorn. Click on it and you’ll see what I mean. Kind of cat like, with the light center and the dark rim. It’s interesting how whatever you stand in front of brings out different aspects of your appearance.
These are one of three or four cheapo reading glasses I use. I have different strengths, depending on the focal length I need.
People have been having fun on Facebook talking about my photos. So far, I’ve been compared to Princess Diana….
and Harry Potter! Haha!