My mom is painting again! She is making progress on her mama Himalayan cat art doll. I have been taking video of her painting, while trying not to get in the way. Our calico cats, Ruby and Emily, like to help.
First my mom painted her cat doll’s lace cuffs and collar. Then she painted her blouse a deep blue. She added some pale pink kitty “knickers” and then striped socks, in two shades of blue.
Here is the video of her painting the lace cuffs: https://youtube.com/shorts/_oeGiyBrQ6A
This the video of my mom painting her blouse: https://youtube.com/shorts/-GRqKqvpYUg
And the video of her painting her blue striped socks: https://youtube.com/shorts/lOX0XZvPRFA
It takes a steady hand to paint those stripes with one hand, while holding her doll in the other hand.
I mailed off these two custom fleece Hug Me Slug stuffed animal art toys. They were made to celebrate an eleventh birthday and their recipient picked out the colors he wanted, including the colors for the eyes, which were custom printed on fleece. I hand stitched them on with a blanket stitch.
I’ve also been puttering around with vintage dolls and their clothing. My favorites are my Ideal Toni dolls, American Character Sweet Sue dolls, and Effanbee Honey dolls, from the 1940’s and 1950’s.
I’ve been washing their clothing and working on making sewing patterns for them. I’ve also been cleaning the dolls and need to restring some of them.
My goal is to make some handmade doll clothing to sell, along with sewing patterns for doll clothes.
I added a doll from this century to my doll clothing models. I think she is my first doll from the 2000’s! She is a Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll named Sara, and she is very sweet. I even made an “unboxing video” because I always see those and thought it might be fun to record my reaction. Here is my unboxing video: https://youtu.be/jIaRhIDIEDM
I think she is quite charming and she has already made friends with Lila Lovebunny and Chelsea the Maine Coon cat.