I noticed in my Hug Me Slugs and Friends toy shop stats a couple of weeks ago that someone was searching for “Elizabeth Ruffing fun facts for kids”. I didn’t know if someone wanted to know about me, or about my stuffed toy slugs. To start, I decided I’d compile a list of fun facts about slugs in general and post them here.
But first…I set up a new Facebook page for my toys. So, please come “like” Hug Me Slugs and Friends on Facebook. I’ll be posting new toys there at the same time I put them up for adoption. I’ve also decided to try posting my Hug Me Slugs on eBay from time to time. My user ID is hugmeslug! As always, you can find my toys at hugmeslug.com which is the address for my Etsy toy shop.
Now for some slug trivia!

Slug fun facts for kids and anyone else who is interested in slugs:
Sammy the Slug, a giant yellow banana slug, is the mascot for the University of California, Santa Cruz. He comes to their sports events and other functions too. Students yell, “Go Slugs!” and “Slime ‘em!” to support their teams.
“The Banana Slug Song”, written by Kevin Beals and performed by the Bungee Jumpin’ Cows, is sung to the tune of “Twist and Shout” and goes like this:
You know I love my baby.
I like the way that she hugs.
People don’t understand,
She’s a banana slug.
She’s got just one foot,
But she ain’t got no toes.
She just hangs out in the forest,
Helpin’ it decompose.
That’s right, she’s a banana slug, Ba na na na na na na (repeat)
The way you shake your antenna,
Oh it gives me such bliss.
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon banana slug,
Well let me give you a kiss.
Oh when you slide through the forest,
You know you look so fine.
C’mon, c’mon, c’mon banana slug,
And let me feel your slime
Ba ba ba banana slug, Ba na na na na na na (repeat)
Now I’m broke up about my baby.
Found out she doesn’t need me.
She told me just the other night,
That she is also a he. Hermaphroditic she’s a…
Now some folks think that she’s gross,
But I don’t hear that jive,
‘Cause if it weren’t for my baby,
This forest might not survive.
Banana slug Ba na na na na na na (repeat)
There is another song called “Banana Slug” by the Banana Slug String Band on their “Dirt Made My Lunch” CD. You can listen to it on their website. It goes like this:
(Chorus) Banana slugs, banana slugs,
I like them, they’re beautiful.
Banana slugs, banana slugs,
They’re part of the circle.
Sticky as the peanut butter, shade of yellow,
Look like banana, but oh so mellow,
Good life givers, living on the ground,
Chewing on the leaves when they fall down.
On the side of their head there’s an breathing hole,
They have one foot but plenty of soul.
All day long they work and they toil,
Chewing on the leaves to renew the soil.
Well the slugs make the soil to grow the trees.
Trees make air for us to breathe.
They’re part of the circle that lets things grow.
So be kind to banana slugs and let things flow.
If you’re walking down the path and you see a slug.
You can bend down and hold it, you can give it a hug.
You can pick it up, it won’t bite or hiss.
You can show it that you love it, just give it a kiss.
Banana slugs, slugs, slugs, slugs, slugs, slugs, banana slugs!

A flirtatious slug named Mub, along with his friend Grub, a snail, help save the day in the animated movie “Epic” by guarding the pod everyone needs to keep the forest alive. They keep it moist because they’re kind of slimy.
The movie “Monsters University” opens with a slug who is late for his first day of classes. He rushes as fast as he can go, which isn’t very fast, and arrives at the end of the year!
The cartoon “Slugterra” features a whole bunch of slugs, who magically transform into more powerful versions of themselves when they travel at 100 miles per hour. They participate in duels and give off a special energy that allows life to exist in Slugterra.
BabyTV has a sweet lavender and yellow slug-like character called “Tulli” who explores the world around her. Tulli is like a toddler and everything is new to her.
Judy Darley wrote two poems about slugs, including “Slugs Slither Slowly” and “Instructions On How To Kiss A Slug”, which goes like this:
Close your eyes, and hold your nose,
Pretend you’re just smelling a rose.
Purse your mouth, tight and round,
Bend down almost to the ground.
Ignore the slime, kiss him quick,
And don’t forget to wipe your lips!
Susan Pearson wrote a children’s book called Slugs in Love which was illustrated by Kevin O’Malley. It tells the story of Marylou, a shy slug who has a crush on Herbie and wants him to notice her. They leave messages for each other written with their slimly slug trails.
Seymore Slug Starts School is a children’s book by Carey Armstrong-Ellis. Seymore is the new slug in his town/compost heap and he is nervous about his first day at Slug School. He even has a Fairy Slugmother who tries to help him but doesn’t quite know what she is doing.
On May 28th some people celebrate a holiday created by Thomas and Ruth Roy called “The Slugs Return From Capistrano Day”.
A slug is a gastropod. Some kinds of slugs live on land, some in the sea, and some live in freshwater. Real-life slugs play an important role in the environment by helping with composting. They help turn decaying things into fertilizer so new plants will be able to grow in rich soil. I found more information about real-life slugs on this Fascinating Sluggy Facts blog post and on Wikipedia.
P.S. If anyone is looking for “fun facts” about me or my toys, leave a comment and let me know what you’d like to know! 🙂