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And whiskers on kittens

I’d like to thank Lisa Cole again, for giving me this “Kreativ Blogger” award. She is a very sweet lady and her artwork is magical. Be sure to go have a look. I am supposed to name seven things I love and nominate seven other people. I was curious about where this award started, and although I didn’t find out, I did find out that there have been a few variations on the “things that you love” theme. I found people listing things for which they are grateful, things that make them happy, and values they support and don’t support. I guess people have been “kreativ” with their lists too 🙂

I’d also like to thank my kitty assistant, because where would I be without him? It’s purely an illusion that I come up with all of these ideas myself. As you can see from his expression, he is the go-to guy for ideas. I’m pretty sure he knows what all those buttons do on that sewing machine too. He just lets me try to figure it out on my own so I’ll learn.

We had a beautiful snowy day today. The first and only real snow we have had this winter, here in the heart of North Carolina. I stomped around in the snow, then watched the inauguration, then stomped around in the snow some more. It was a good day.

Okay, so I am supposed to make lists here…I’m still thinking…Hm…I suppose I can’t steal Lisa’s list of things she loves, but I almost could, or would, because I’d have very similar answers. So, I will have to be more random. Let’s see.

1) I love today. I am grateful for today, and today made me happy too. A new president. A new, clean, white, cold blanket over everything. A little flock of juncos hopping around eating cracked corn out my back door. The ducks safely floating on the pond. My family safe and sound. Everything was fine today. I aspire to love every day, and find something to be grateful for in every day.

2) I love myself. No, goodness knows, not in some egomaniacal way. But in a quiet, I’m-worth-taking-care-of-myself way. I’m happy with who I am, and I’m grateful for the things I can do. I’m happy and grateful to be alive and well.

3) I love that when I don’t feel so happy, I have people who love me and listen to me and support me. I love that when I feel sad, even my kitties know enough about me to come see if I’m okay. I’m grateful to be loved.

4) I love that we have what we need. Plenty of food to eat, a home, central heat when we are cold, air conditioning when we are hot. I don’t take these things for granted, and I am grateful for them.

5) I love beautiful and colorful things, gardens full of flowers, quilts made up of a little bit of everything, things arranged by color…bolts of fabric, skeins of yarn, boxes of paint. It doesn’t matter so much what it is, as long as it’s visually stimulating and varied. That excites me and makes me happy.

6) I love the natural world, with all the amazing and varied living things that inhabit it.

7) I love fantasy, imagining what might exist that we cannot, or have not yet seen.

Now I have to nominate people…so I nominate you! If you are reading this, I invite you to tell your story in whatever way you want, through your own blog, a hand-written journal, a poem, a painting, a song. Share it with the world, a confidante, or just keep it for yourself. Reflect on what you love, what makes you happy, and what you are grateful for and express that somewhere. You can even leave a comment here, telling me something you love, something that makes you happy, or something that you are grateful for. I’d enjoy checking out some great artists or writers or any creative people you think I might like too.

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I saved a Beanie Baby

Yesterday, I was working on my list of loose ends again, exchanging a wrong item I grabbed at the store, picking up things I meant to pick up and didn’t, finally ordering a pair of pants and a sweater since the ones I wear all the time are getting too shabby. On the way home from the stores, I saw one more little loose end. I have driven past this poor Beanie Baby for maybe two weeks now. He was lying on the road, all wet from the rain. At first we thought his kid might come back for him, but yesterday, I could stand it no longer. It was just too sad. I pulled over and wrapped him in some paper (he was gritty and grimy). I took him home and gave him a good washing in some warm water and Tide Free.

I sewed up his shoulder seam using some thread I had just picked up. It, oddly enough, matched his fur. I set him to dry, and then combed his ears. I looked him up online, and found out his name is “Spunky”, born January 14, 1997. I don’t know what he has been up to since then, but now he is a new man. I’ve never had a Beanie Baby before, but, like Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree, he needed me.

I’m having a sick day today, and since I can’t do much for now, I thought I’d share two of my Christmas present books. Crocheting on the Edge by Nicky Epstein is a book of crocheted edgings that you can add to anything you like, in the size and yarn of your choice. So far, I’m fantasizing more than I am experimenting. I’m thinking of lace collars on sweaters for our art dolls.

Alphonse Mucha: The Spirit of Art Nouveau by Victor Arwas is another loose end of sorts. I had wanted it when I first saw it, and I decided I’d get my own copy at some point. I picked it out with a gift certificate a friend gave me for Christmas. I’ve been fantasizing too about making some Art Nouveau-inspired original art quilts, and more Art Nouveau-inspired floral watercolor paintings and fairy art.

Primrose and Quill (1899-1900) color lithographs by Alphonse Mucha
Study for a Decorative Panel 1902 by Alphonse Mucha

As I’ve been in bed part of the day, I was watching some TV too. I don’t know why seeing these crocheted creatures searching for love tickled me, but it did:

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Happy holidays, everyone! This is Mr Happy Christmas Tree. He’s an original art toy I made by hand from my own design and pattern. I used a blanket stitch and some embroidery floss to hand sew on all his ornaments and his gold star.

His ornaments go all the way around. He’s made from fleece. I attached a knot of green yarn “hair” to the top of his head. He’s been given as a gift, and is overseeing Christmas from his new home, where I hope he will be loved and bring some cheer.

We opened presents this morning. After our first day of holiday shopping, where my mom and I came home with only wrapping paper, we were pretty sure we were the most inept shoppers ever. However, we mustered some courage, and headed out again. We were proud of ourselves to just come home with something! We usually don’t participate in the shopping part of Christmas, but my dad was feeling nostalgic for some presents.

Then, I went Christmas shopping with G.B. too, where I did my best to give gift suggestions at Dick’s Sporting Goods. This may not seem funny to you, but really, it is to me. Not only do I have difficultly even saying “Dick’s Sporting Goods” without getting completely tongue-tied, but I have absolutely no knowledge of anything sports-related. Still, I think I did okay.

G.B. took me to a bike shop and got me this pretty red bike helmet for Christmas. The owner helped adjust it to my head, because, of course, I was fumbling trying to figure out how to do anything with it. He helped to snap it under my chin when I got confused about that also, which he found amusing. But, hey, now I know! 🙂

I went for a ride this morning. This guy was very excited about the opportunity to bolt out the back door while I was taking my bike out. This is an new game here. You catch one kitty, and the other runs out. That’s the warm-up part of my exercising. Then I picked up my little dog friend along my way again. Fortunately, he took himself home this time when a bigger dog barked at him. As sweet as he is, I worry about his running here and there while I’m riding.

Well, I need to go make some apple crisp for dessert tonight. Have a great holiday!

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Happy birthday to me!

Today is very nice so far! Look at my beautiful birthday bike! My dad somehow managed to stow it away in the trunk of his car, and my parents sneaked it into the living room without my even hearing them. I was on my way down the hall and caught sight of some handlebars with ribbons all over them, and was so surprised! They were so pleased to have surprised me. They have been trying for years.

I took a ride which was really fun. I picked up a cute little dog who was beside himself with joy at the sight of me on a bike. He just kept running in circles and jumping up and down. I walked him back to his house later, which pleased him to no end as well.

I was treated to pizza last night, and tonight there will be Chinese food and cake. I was sung “Happy Birthday” at one minute past midnight, over the phone, last night, and I’ve received lots of nice birthday messages over the Internet too. Thanks to everyone for the good cheer 🙂