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Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max Bailey

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max BaileyThere is no need to bring an apple to the teacher every day. Charlotte is already the teacher’s pet.

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max Bailey With her sweet expression and soulful eyes, she’s won the teacher’s heart.

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max BaileyCharlotte sits in the back row of the classroom, her little heart beating loudly.

She hopes she spells all the words correctly on the big spelling test.

Most of all, she hopes the teacher likes her.

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max BaileyCharlotte is wearing a pale peach dress with a blue collar and cuffs, and a blue sash that ties in a big bow at the back. A delicate pattern of little blue flowers and green leaves encircles the bottom of the skirt, and tiers of ivory petticoats show beneath the hemline. The very serious Charlotte holds a big red apple with a stem and a single green leaf.

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max BaileyCharlotte is an original one-of-a-kind work of art, and she is meant for display only. No molds are ever used in my work. She and her apple are hand sculpted from paperclay, and entirely hand painted using acrylic paints.

Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurine by Max BaileyCharlotte is signed and dated, and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation. She rests firmly on a turned wooden base that is stained and sealed in golden oak.

Charlotte stands 5 3/4 inches tall. She comes with a hang tag, a certificate of authenticity, and a copy of her story.

Wendy Westie, Trina the Chihuahua, and Charlotte the Cocker Spaniel, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Dog Doll Figurines by Max BaileyCharlotte is available for $600.00. Please inquire to

Charlotte’s doggie friends are Wendy Westie (above left) and Trina the Chihuahua (above center).

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The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Guess what I’ve been up to this summer! Here’s a little sneak peak. Three new kitties are waiting to meet you. That’s Floradora, doing her best curtsy.

And, something new for me…

One-of-a-kind, original folk art dog dolls! Ten friendly puppies, all wagging their tails, waiting to be introduced. (You can click on the photos to make them larger.)

I’ll be introducing them all to you, one at a time, shortly! Be sure to check back 🙂 I’ll be trying to post here, on our Ruffing’s blog, first, before anywhere else. You can subscribe to receive email updates, if you like, in the upper right hand corner of the Ruffing’s blog. Hope you all enjoyed the summer and this holiday weekend! See you soon!

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Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max Bailey

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie is a beautiful red fox. She is greatly admired, yet seldom seen.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie glides through the woods, her forest green dress blending in with the ferns that cover the forest floor.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyShe doesn’t stay still for very long. If you look away for a moment, when you look back she may have vanished.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyNow and then, Loxie ventures out into the meadow. As she is a redhead, she always wears her straw hat in the bright sunshine.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie is an original one-of-a-kind work of art and is meant for display only. No molds are ever used in my work. She and her hat are hand sculpted from paperclay, and she is entirely hand painted using acrylic paints.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie’s whiskers are made from stiffened cotton thread. Her old-fashioned green dress has tiny gold flowers, with gold buttons and gold bands around the cuffs. She wears a pale green apron that ties in a big bow in the back. Her fluffy tail emerges from the white petticoats that can be seen below her dress.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie is signed and dated and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation. She rests firmly on a turned wooden base that is stained and sealed in golden oak. Loxie stands 7 and 1/2 inches tall. She comes with a hang tag, a certificate of authenticity, and a copy of her story.

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie is available for $600.00. Please inquire to

Loxie the Red Fox, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyLoxie’s bear friends are Miranda the Panda (left) and Patsy the Brown Bear (right).

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Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Art Doll Figurine by Max Bailey

Miranda the Panda original one-of-a-kind art doll by Max Bailey

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyMiranda the Panda is a handmade original, one-of-a-kind anthropomorphic panda art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Miranda loves flowers.

Should she offer you a lovely flower, don’t hesitate. Take it.

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max Bailey If you should look out your window, and see Miranda heading for your garden gate, run outside and try to distract her.

Tell her what a pretty red dress she is wearing.

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max Bailey Talk about what a lovely day it is.

Tell her what beautiful brown eyes she has.

Miranda loves flowers. She thinks they’re yummy! The prettier they are, the better they taste!

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyMiranda’s pretty flowered dress has a gold border around the neckline and the hem, and a big gold sash that ties in a bow at the back. Her ivory colored petticoats can be seen below her dress.

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyMiranda the Panda is an original one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. No molds are ever used in my work. She and her rose are hand sculpted from paperclay, and they are entirely hand painted using acrylic paints.

Miranda is signed and dated and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation. She rests firmly on a turned wooden base that is stained and sealed in golden oak. Miranda stands 4 and 7/8 inches tall. Miranda comes with a hang tag, a certificate of authenticity, and a copy of her story.

Miranda the Panda, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurine by Max BaileyMiranda the Panda is available for $450.00. Please inquire to

Miranda the Panda and Patsy the Brown Bear Cub, Original One-of-a-kind Folk Art Doll Figurines by Max BaileyMiranda’s friend is Patsy the brown bear cub.