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Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth RuffingThis is Feral Cheryl II, the sock cat. She was custom made for a nice lady who does TNR, or trap-neuter/spay-return for cats, and who volunteers with her local no-kill animal shelter.

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth RuffingShe saw Feral Cheryl I, loved her, and wanted a Feral Cheryl of her own. Don’t tell Feral Cheryl I, but I think Feral Cheryl II is even cuter.

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth RuffingFeral Cheryl looks innocent, but she has claws,

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth Ruffingand fangs.

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth RuffingShe also has a tattoo. This one reads “TNR”, as requested by her mom-to-be.

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth RuffingShe’ll be going to her new home on Monday. I like to hug her, even though she has those teeth and claws. She hasn’t scratched or bitten me yet.

Trap-Neuter-Return sock cat, Feral Cheryl II by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

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A very generous gift from Tyber Katz, a box of wonders

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber Katz

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzWe received an amazingly generous gift today, a box of unfinished carved wooden doll parts from the super-talented doll artists, Peter and Patricia Tyber, of Tyber Katz, for us to assemble, paint, and clothe.

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzTheir dolls are wonderful, beautifully sculpted and hand painted. They are carved by Peter Tyber. Their dolls are painted by Patricia Tyber. Their dolls’ bodies and lovely clothing are made by Patricia Tyber as well. Please go check them out on their website,

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzI think these “Newbies” kittens might be my favorites.

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzThere are all kinds of kitties, cats and kittens, and some bears in the box.

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzWe were so surprised when Pat wrote to us, and offered to give these to us to assemble and paint. Some of these are the masters they used for carving.

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber KatzI plan to make bodies for them, assemble them, and make clothing for them. My studio-mate Max Bailey will do the painting. I’m sure it will take us a long time, as these are much bigger than we usually work, but I think they will turn out beautifully. Many, many thanks to Peter and Pat for this gift! And thank you for trusting us to finish these remarkable art dolls.

Anthropomorphic cat art dolls by artists Peter and Patricia Tyber of Tyber Katz

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Toy shop update, more stuffed animal bunnies and slugs

Hug Me Bunnies handmade stuffed animal rabbits by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Hug Me Bunnies handmade stuffed animal rabbits by artist Elizabeth Ruffing
Here are the stuffed toy Hug Me Bunnies I meant to post for Easter. They are now spring bunnies instead.

Hug Me Bunnies handmade stuffed animal rabbits by artist Elizabeth RuffingI used a few shades of pastel rabbit colors. Yes, bunnies do come in pastel colors.

Easter flowers, narcissus and hyacinths on the work table of artist Elizabeth RuffingHere is a picture of my pretty Easter flowers as well. Happy belated Easter!

Hug Me Slugs mommy and baby handmade stuffed animals by artist Elizabeth RuffingOh, and here are mommy and baby slugs wishing you a belated happy Mother’s Day! I missed a couple of holidays.

Hug Me Slug handmade stuffed animal banana slug by artist Elizabeth RuffingI have some new fleece Hug Me Slugs, like this banana slug, along with some camouflage, turquoise, teal, light blue, and hot pink slugs. You can find my art toys in our Ruffing’s shop.

Hug Me Slugs handmade stuffed animal banana slugs by artist Elizabeth RuffingIn the background of this photo, under the camouflage slugs, is one of the boxes I got to hold my sewing supplies. Miss Bertie, below, stole a needle with upholstery thread, and swallowed it before I could get her. Now I keep everything I’m using in a box with a latch, so I can close it if she comes snooping around. String and thread are very dangerous for cats, and can cause serious problems.

Bertie tabby Maine Coon cat, Elizabeth RuffingThankfully, the upholstery thread passed without harming her. We were very worried. I was in the same room at the time, but she sneaked in without my seeing her poking around my pincushion. I keep the box closed whenever I get up and walk around too. If you sew, please remember to keep your supplies safely away from your pets. I keep mine in a separate room, except when I am hand sewing, but cats can be stealthy when they want to steal something that looks like fun.

Artist Elizabeth Ruffing with a new short haircutI have been doing okay, a little up and down with the PVC’s, and some chest pain. I’m still waiting for the results of another test, but I still don’t expect anything unusual to show up. I am trying to sleep later, which seems to help. I was feeling shabby after being worn out for a while, and so I gave myself a haircut. That makes me feel better too.

Phoebe, tabby cat behind a floral curtain, with Santana, orange cat, looking in the window Elizabeth RuffingSantana the Peeping Tom Cat wakes me up sometimes. He likes to show up and look in the window early in the morning now. He’s discovered he can climb the settee and rest his paws on the sill. No matter who wakes me up, I try to stay in bed longer, so I won’t get fatigued.

Storm clouds in the sky with a bare branch, Elizabeth RuffingExercise is helping too. I like to go for walks. We had a string of storms, and now it is getting hot. I am considering joining a gym for the summer, when it is too hot to go walking. I’m not sure I’ll make it there. I don’t often feel that sociable, and I like peace and quiet. I should probably try it at least.

Jojo, black-and-white tuxedo cat with her bottom sticking out from a pile of craft supplies, in artist Elizabeth Ruffing's workroomI have been doing custom orders, and have yet to finish the sock cat skirts I have partly done so I can photograph them. They are really cute. I have been going to a block-of-the-month quilting group, but I barely have the time to get the blocks ready each month. That is Jojo, diving over my quilting packet. She thought she was being pretty stealthy herself. My kitty helpers are very silly.

Jojo, black-and-white tuxedo cat peeking out from a pile of craft supplies, in artist Elizabeth Ruffing's workroom

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Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyThis is Jody. She’s a tabby Maine Coon kitten with big golden green eyes.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyHer fur is a mix of tabby colors….silver gray, buff, ivory, and dark gold, with dramatic black stripes.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody is very outgoing. She isn’t one to hide in a corner, but she does love her corner chair.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyIt is dark wood with a fuzzy red upholstered seat. Her chair belongs to her, and comes with her.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody is wearing her favorite deep red pinafore.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyIts ruffles are bordered in gold, and it has blue polka dots that match her shirt.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Jody, miniature tabby Maine Coon cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyJody is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 1 and 5/8 inches tall.

Update: Jody has been adopted. Thank you!

Happy Mother’s Day!