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Regina and Ragsy bi-color Ragdoll cat art figurine with her own ragdoll, one-of-a-kind by artist Anne Ruffing

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is a handmade, original, one-of-a-kind bicolor Ragdoll kitten art doll figurine. She is hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Anne Ruffing. Regina and Ragsy are available for purchase. Please click here for details.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is crazy about dolls, especially the ones that look like little girls.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

The little girl Regina lives with gave her one of her smallest rag dolls, and Regina has come to adore her. Regina named her Ragsy. She loves to hug Ragsy’s soft body, and admires her pretty two-toned pink dress. It’s kind of like the two-toned dress she herself is wearing.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina fixes Ragsy’s yellow yarn hair in ponytails on the sides of her head. She pretends the ponytails are Ragsy’s ears. Surely Ragsy can hear and understand everything she says.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Ragsy’s tiny smile makes Regina feel so happy that she curls her toes under with joy.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is sculpted from paperclay and painted with acrylic paints. Her dress is a soft shade of green, and over it she wears a light turquoise pinafore trimmed in a darker green. Her doll Ragsy has a lovely mauve dress and black Mary Jane shoes.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

“Regina and Ragsy” is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore, back view with her tail showing

Regina is 3 and 1/4 inches tall and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
She is a work of art meant for display only, and not for play.

Regina and Ragsy are available for purchase. Please click here for details.

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Cat art doll figurine, original one-of-a-kind miniature, Nell by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell, original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine, red cat with bow, handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell, red cat with a bow art doll figurine handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing
Nell is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind red kitty cat art doll figurine, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Elizabeth Ruffing.

Nell, original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine, red cat with bow, handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell is a country red and well-fed feline. She flounces about wearing her gauzy white scarf, which is covered in yellow polka dots. It is tied in a big bow around around her neck. She might be a little chubby, because she never refuses a snack. “No” is not in her vocabulary when it comes to anything delicious. Besides, who would think to deprive her of anything? That may be because everyone knows Nell has a big voice that she uses to approve or disapprove. She will proudly demonstrate it for you.

Nell, original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine, red cat with bow, handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell has big gold eyes with green centers, and a contented kitty smile.

Nell, original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine, red cat with bow, handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell is a handmade miniature original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine. I hand sculpted her from paperclay over wood, in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing. I painted her by hand, under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, using acrylic paints. Nell is signed and sealed with gloss varnish for protection and preservation.

Nell, red cat with bow art doll figurine handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

She is a work of art meant for display only, and not for play.  I am including a certificate of authenticity with her, along with a copy of her story.

Nell, original one-of-a-kind cat art doll figurine, red cat with bow, handmade by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell is 2 and ¾ inches tall.

Mallory, Quinn, Nell original one-of-a-kind-cat art doll figurines by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Nell’s kitty cat friends are Mallory the gold flowered Hug Me Kitten (shown on the left, adopted) and Quinn the ecru Hug Me Kitten, shown in the center, with lavender flowers.

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Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingMaisie Maybunny is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind rabbit art doll figurine, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Elizabeth Ruffing.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing with blue purple spiderwort flowersMaisie Maybunny is a mauve-pink bunny with big blue eyes. She has a painted garland of pink, yellow, and blue flowers that goes all around her body.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingMaisie Maybunny is a carefree soul. She likes to go hopping through garden beds, whether the sun is shining, or the rain is coming down.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing with blue purple spiderwort flowersAfter Maisie has hopped for a while, she finds a nice dry spot, flops on her side, and takes a long, long nap.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingWhen she wakes up, she yawns, and rolls over in the flowers, wrapping them all around her.

Then she hops home for her evening salad, which she decorates with tiny blossoms.

Maisie Maybunny is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only, not for play.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink  and peach floral bunny rabbit art doll figurines by artist Elizabeth RuffingShe was sculpted from paperclay over wood, in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing. Paperclay has a hardness similar to soft wood.

Maisie Maybunny, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade mauve-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing with blue purple spiderwort flowersMaisie was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, using acrylic paints.

She is signed, and sealed with gloss varnish for protection and preservation. She comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Maisie Maybunny is 3 and 1/8 inches (8 centimeters) tall.

Please click here to go to Maisie Maybunny’s adoption page. Maisie’s bunny friends are Jeanina Jingles and Buttons Bunnyton.

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Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingButtons Bunnyton is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind rabbit art doll figurine, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Elizabeth Ruffing.

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingButtons is a peach-pink bunny with large blue eyes. She has gold flowers with mauve centers, all over her body, and a mauve heart.

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingButtons Bunnyton’s mother always said, “You are what you eat!” But Buttons never believed her.

Buttons likes to eat flowers.

She used to be a spotted bunny, but after eating so many flowers, Button Bunnyton’s spots started growing petals!

Now, instead of being covered in spots, Buttons is covered in flowers.

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingButtons doesn’t care. She’s only sorry she can’t eat the flowers right off her fur!

But that’s okay. She’ll keep eating her neighbors’ flowers.

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth Ruffing, with rabbit friendsButtons Bunnyton is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only, not for play.

She was sculpted from paperclay over wood, in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing. Paperclay has a hardness similar to soft wood.

Buttons Bunnyton, original, one-of-a-kind miniature handmade peach-pink floral bunny rabbit art doll figurine by artist Elizabeth RuffingButtons was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, using acrylic paints.

She is signed, and sealed with gloss varnish for protection and preservation. She comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Buttons Bunnyton is 3 inches (7.7 centimeters) tall.

Please click here to go to Buttons Bunnyton’s adoption page. Buttons’ bunny neighbors are Maisie Maybunny and Jeanina Jingles.