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Regina and Ragsy bi-color Ragdoll cat art figurine with her own ragdoll, one-of-a-kind by artist Anne Ruffing

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is a handmade, original, one-of-a-kind bicolor Ragdoll kitten art doll figurine. She is hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Anne Ruffing. Regina and Ragsy are available for purchase. Please click here for details.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is crazy about dolls, especially the ones that look like little girls.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

The little girl Regina lives with gave her one of her smallest rag dolls, and Regina has come to adore her. Regina named her Ragsy. She loves to hug Ragsy’s soft body, and admires her pretty two-toned pink dress. It’s kind of like the two-toned dress she herself is wearing.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina fixes Ragsy’s yellow yarn hair in ponytails on the sides of her head. She pretends the ponytails are Ragsy’s ears. Surely Ragsy can hear and understand everything she says.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Ragsy’s tiny smile makes Regina feel so happy that she curls her toes under with joy.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

Regina is sculpted from paperclay and painted with acrylic paints. Her dress is a soft shade of green, and over it she wears a light turquoise pinafore trimmed in a darker green. Her doll Ragsy has a lovely mauve dress and black Mary Jane shoes.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore holds a blonde ragdoll with ponytails and a mauve dress.

“Regina and Ragsy” is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation.

A Ragdoll cat in a light turquoise pinafore, back view with her tail showing

Regina is 3 and 1/4 inches tall and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
She is a work of art meant for display only, and not for play.

Regina and Ragsy are available for purchase. Please click here for details.

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Sugar, American Shorthair silver tabby cat art doll figurine, handmade original, one-of-a-kind by artist Anne Ruffing

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar is a handmade, original, one-of-a-kind American Shorthair silver tabby kitten art doll figurine, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Anne Ruffing.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar is famous in her neighborhood for her sweet tooth.

Every afternoon, she walks to the local bakery known as Kitty’s Cupcake Corner, where she looks longingly in the window at the variety of cupcakes on display.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

They are frosted with vanilla, peppermint, orange, and lemon, and are swirled, covered with sprinkles, or just plain. Sugar’s eyes get really big when she sees the strawberry ones.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Kathleen Kitty, world renowned baker, notices that her cupcake confections have a loyal fan. When Sugar zones in on the strawberry ones, she notices that too.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Kathleen walks outside. “This one’s for you,” she says to Sugar, and hands her a gloriously pink cupcake.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar is ecstatic, and so overcome with joy that she can only utter a tiny thank you before hurrying home with her treasure.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar wears a pale yellow dress with a mauve ruffle around the neck. A light blue border sets off the ruffle and the hem of her dress. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar is 3 inches tall. She comes with certificate of authenticity.

An American Shorthair silver tabby cat figurine with a ruffled mauve collar with pale turquoise trim and a pale cream colored dress sits with a pink frosted cupcake.

Sugar is a work of art meant for display only, and not for play.

Sugar is available here.

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Videos of my mom at work on her American Shorthair figurine and a new kitty resident!

My mom finished her American Shorthair silver tabby cat art doll figurine, Sugar, and I took a bunch of short videos of her working in paperclay. I always miss a lot of the steps because I am off doing my own projects or feeding and cleaning up after our real-life kitties. I will post parts 1-6 below, if you would like a sneak peek into her creative process.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

We also have a new kitty resident! Harrison showed up a couple of months ago. I knew someone was outside who was new because the cats were making a ruckus. I could see his eyes in the dark when I went out with my flashlight. One night I was out at 3am, trying to stop our cat Chester, who had refused to come in the house that evening, from chasing him. After that, Chester had to come in early!

Eventually, Harrison started to pop out of the brush at dinner time, and he got used to me. One day, he followed me into the cat yard, which is enclosed with a cat fence to keep everyone safe.

Santana, our neighbors’ cat who lives with us, was disappointed because he had made friends with Harrison and wanted him to join in his activities.

Thanks to friends who donated toward his care, Harrison got neutered and vaccinated and microchipped. I am taking him in for boosters still. He is having a very nice time playing with toys in “La Maisonnette des Chats” – The Little House of Cats, our name for our kitty house.

He goes out in the cat yard when it pleases him but it has been hot outside. He enjoys the air conditioning.

Here is a 10 minute tour of the cat yard in the evening, for you to enjoy.

I hope everyone is staying cool. If anyone would like to donate toward the kitties’ care we have ways you can help here: Sales from this site also go toward taking care of the cats! Thanks so much!

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Meesha and May Himalayan cat and kitten art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind by artist Anne Ruffing

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket
Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha and May are handmade, original, one-of-a-kind Himalayan cat and kitten art dolls, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Anne Ruffing, with sewing done by Elizabeth Ruffing.

Himalayan cat art doll in blue with a painted white lace color and pink flower at her neck

Meesha is a charming mama Himalayan cat, whose favorite time of the year is May, the very name she
gave to her sweet little kitten.

Miniature Himalayan kitten figurine in a mauve pinafore with a painted gold blouse, sitting in a hand

During that time of the year, Meesha likes to take May out for walks to look at the daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips all coming to life.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

May gets very excited about these excursions. She bounces around, swatting at the flower buds and chasing bugs.

Miniature Himalayan kitten figurine in a mauve pinafore with a painted gold blouse, sitting in a hand

Then, quite suddenly, she will need a nap. That is why Meesha sewed a big pocket into her pinafore, so May could slip inside and fall asleep on the way back home.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha and May both see the world through beautifully vibrant blue eyes.

May is often carefully tucked into the pocket of Meesha’s flowered pinafore, where, through the wise teachings of her mom, she learns about this world that has newly become her own.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha’s pinafore was designed by Elizabeth Ruffing, who hand drew all the tiny pattern pieces and did most of the stitching by hand, with a needle and thread. It is made from a pretty blue floral cotton.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Her pocket was also carefully stitched by hand after fitting it to May, to make sure she could be comfortably nestled inside when she wants to take a nap or be carried by Meesha.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Under her pinafore, Meesha wears a rich blue blouse with a hand-painted rose-colored flower that sets off her crisp white collar. The scalloped trim on her collar matches the trim on her cuffs.

Back view of Himalayan cat art doll, with her tail helping her sit up

Meesha’s pinafore has a deeply scooped neck to show off the flower at Meesha’s neckline.

Back view of Himalayan cat art doll, with her tail helping her sit up

Her pantaloons are painted a delicate pink, and from them emerge two pretty kitty legs wearing painted tights that are striped in two shades of blue.

Meesha wears light golden-brown painted shoes, which are high-buttoned, and, of course, extremely fashionable.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha is 8 and 1/2 inches tall.

May, in her rosy-red painted pinafore and yellow blouse, is only 1 and 3/4 inches tall. She was entirely sculpted from paperclay, which is the sculpting clay used to create Meesha’s thoughtful face.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

The rest of Meesha’s head, body, arms, and legs are made from 100% cotton fabric, which is sewn, stuffed, and then painted with acrylic paints. Her arms are button-jointed, and her paws are needle-sculpted.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha and May are signed by Anne Ruffing. They were sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation.

Miniature Himalayan kitten figurine in a mauve pinafore with a painted gold blouse, sitting in a hand, back view

Meesha’s body and pinafore were created from our own designs and patterns. Meesha’s beautiful face and May’s little self were hand sculpted in paperclay without the use of any molds, and then lovingly painted by hand.

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha can sit upright all by herself, with the help of her tail, which supports her nicely. She can also sit in a doll chair or stand with a small doll stand. (Chair and doll stand not included.) May can sit in Meesha’s pocket, or lie in her lap or in a little doll house sized cradle (doll house furniture not included).

Himalayan cat art doll in a blue floral pinafore with a Himalayan kitten figurine in her pocket

Meesha and May are works of art meant for display only, and not for play.

They come with a certificate of authenticity.

Meesha and May are available here.