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Alissandra, miniature white cat fairy art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind white cat fairy art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra is a white fairy kitten with lovely blue eyes.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyThe flowers of the dogwood tree used to be all white until Alissandra came along.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyA very artistic fairy kitten, Alissandra loves to paint, and has a special flair for color.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe sculpted her little paint pot from the clay she found in the river bed, and then filled it with one of her favorite colors. With her special brush, she carefully tints the white petals of the dogwood flowers a delicate shade of pink.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyNow and then, she sits down to rest and inspects her handiwork, checking to make sure there are no drips or smudges.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra is wearing a pretty wedgwood blue dress with pale blue-green sleeves and collar that have dark blue polka dots. A pink flower decorates the center of her collar.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra has magical wings that are blue blended out to mauve at the tips. They are accented with shapes of blue, yellow, violet, and pink.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyNext to Alissandra is her current work of art, a white dogwood flower she has almost finished painting, with a forest green dogwood leaf. The flower, with its leaf, is a one-of-a-kind work of art designed and sculpted in paperclay, painted and varnished, and signed Max Bailey. Including the leaf, it is 2 and 1/2 inches long, and the flower is 1 and 1/2 inches wide.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Alissandra, miniature white fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyAlissandra is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 1 and 1/2 inches tall.

Alissandra is available for $425.00. Please inquire to [email protected]

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Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline is a silver tabby Maine Coon fairy kitten with big golden eyes.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe is known as “The Good Fortune Fairy” and is a friend to all the tiny ladybugs of the world, who are pleased to be of help to her.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyIt is early in the morning, and at the edge of the meadow, Evaline seats herself on a mossy rock to confer with her lovely assistants Meryl and Beryl.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline can’t be everywhere at the same time, and so it is essential that she enlist the help of the ladybugs to fly out into the world, bringing joy and hope and happiness to everyone who could use some.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTogether, all three make their travel plans, and vow to do their very best to deliver good fortune.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyWhen Meryl and Beryl fly away, Evaline will blow them a kiss and, of course, wish them luck.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline wears a soft yellow dress with gold polka dots.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyMeryl rests on Evaline’s paw, where she can closely participate in their discussion.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyBeryl is a little sleepy this morning, but she slowly makes her way up the rock so as not to miss anything that is said.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline’s magical fairy wings are soft gold blended out to blue, with highlights of pale yellow and pale blue. They have shapes of red, gold, purple, and lavender, and are made of paperclay, just as she is.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline’s mossy rock, along with Beryl, is also made of paperclay, and is a one-of- a-kind work of art, painted and varnished and signed Max Bailey. It is 5/8 inches tall and 1 and 3/4 inches long.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEvaline is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 1 and 1/2 inches tall.

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyUpdate: Evaline has been adopted. Thank you!

Evaline, miniature silver tabby Maine Coon fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

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Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyThis is Tianna. She is a bi-color Ragdoll fairy kitten with sapphire-blue eyes.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna is a woodland fairy. She spends a lot of time in the tall trees, watching over the birds and butterflies.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySometimes, when the wind blows, a bird’s egg will fall out of the nest. Tianna swoops down to catch it, and puts it safely back where it belongs. When a trembling baby bird has left the nest, she encourages him to spread his wings and fly. “It’s just a matter of confidence,” she tells him.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna, with great care, helps the butterflies when they first emerge. She straightens out their folded wings, and gives them a personal demonstration on how to fly. They are very quick to learn, and now the forest is filled with these colorful creatures.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyEven fairies get tired now and then. Tianna likes to come down to rest under the big oak tree. There, she sits on her favorite golden-brown mushroom, and enjoys the peace and quiet of the warm afternoon.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna is wearing a spring-rose top over a golden-beige dress, which is scalloped around the hemline and has dark mauve trim.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyHer magical fairy wings are rose blended out to mauve, with highlights of pale yellow, and shapes of blue and gold. They are made of paperclay, just like she is.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna’s favorite mushroom is 1 and 5/8 inches tall. It is also a one-of-a-kind work of art, designed and sculpted in paperclay, painted and varnished, and signed Max Bailey.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyTianna is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 2 inches tall.

Tianna, miniature Ragdoll fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyUpdate: Tianna has been adopted. Thank you!

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Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie is an earnest tabby-and-white fairy kitten with amber eyes whose mind is always turned toward making someone happy. She is thoughtful and giving, which is why she is known as “The Gift Fairy”.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyIf you need cheering up, Sunnie will think up a present for you that she is sure you will like.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyIt may be a box of heart-shaped, rose-red cookies that she baked all by herself, or a wool scarf she knitted in your favorite color.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe may even bring you a note card with a poem she wrote especially for you.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie does her very own First Class Air Mail delivery. How quickly her gifts are delivered often depends upon the direction of the wind.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie’s jumper is pale green with burnt-orange trim around the neck and hemline. She wears it over a soft leaf-green dress. The heart cookie she holds in her paws is antique rose.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie’s magical wings are sculpted in paperclay, just like herself. They are painted in tan with golden highlights blended out to rosy pink at the tips, and are accented with shapes of rose, green, pale orange, burnt orange, and yellow.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. She is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySunnie is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 2 inches tall.

Sunnie, miniature tabby fairy cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyUpdate: Sunnie has been adopted. Thank you!