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12-inch Hug Me Slug stuffed animal plushies

Hug Me Slugs, 12-inch stuffed plushie toys by Elizabeth Ruffing, mango gold, orange, lemon yellow, and orange sherbet fleeceI photographed and posted these 12-inch Hug Me Slug plushies in our shop. These fleece colors remind me of fruit, or jelly beans, mango gold, orange, lemon yellow, and soft orange sherbet.

Hug Me Slugs, 12-inch stuffed plushie toys by Elizabeth Ruffing, mango gold, orange, lemon yellow, and orange sherbet fleeceAnd these are dark forest green, light turquoise, and olive green fleece.

I plan to keep adding more as I get them ready. I’ve been updating my titles and tags over on Etsy, because they are trying out a new navigation set-up for some people, and it has shown up for my account. I think they are trying to streamline it, and so I am trying to streamline my shop in accordance. I’ve also been straightening up my shipping profiles on Etsy, since postal rates seem to change a lot too. And I’m continuing to stuff toys. I feel like I am terribly slow at everything, but I am actually fussy and perhaps set unreasonable expectations for how quickly I can get toys ready, or photos taken and edited. I am pleased to see my toy shop being repopulated. I hope you will come visit. Update: We’ll be posting new toys here, at

I am so relieved that fall is here. The temperature change makes me feel like I am coming back to life, even though I feel a little overwhelmed by how much there is to be done. I want to feel like everything is coming together, but it can only happen one piece at a time. I’ve been at the computer all day, making progress. I think I will go read a book on the porch for a while.

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Slugs, disembodied dandelions, and flying fur

Hug Me Slugs, assorted colors, 12 inche plush toys by Elizabeth RuffingI am now stuffing and detailing the Hug Me Slugs I have started. It has been too gray to photograph these, but we should get a sunny day soon. These are the larger, 12 inch tall ones. I hope to post them in my toy shop soon, and keep finishing and posting more.

Green Giant Arborvitae, by Elizabeth RuffingIt is finally slightly cooler and it even rained a little, making it possible for me to get another tree in the ground. I am putting in a row of Green Giant Arborvitae, to block the sound from the road, and to enclose the yard. I will be so happy when fall arrives. I am going to keep planting.

Beetle on ageratum, by Elizabeth RuffingI wandered around, taking some photos this morning. The flowers are losing their blooms, but I still find them pretty, like these ageratum. Our friend Linda, back in our old neighborhood, gave some to me, from her yard, and they have continued to reproduce every year.

Purple ageratum and white morning glories, by Elizabeth RuffingIt is nice to have flowers and trees and bushes from our old home. I hope to add more here to make it feel more comfortable and familiar to me.

Purple ageratum and pink morning glory, by Elizabeth RuffingThe morning glories came with this house, and have continued replanting themselves for the past fourteen years we have been here.

Purple morning glory, by Elizabeth RuffingI love this dark purple one.

Purple morning glory, by Elizabeth RuffingIt is pretty even with its leaves all chewed.

Redstar red morning glory, by Elizabeth RuffingI have no idea where this tiny red morning glory came from. It was suddenly blooming at the end of the porch this morning, having made its way up a bush.

Dandelion, by Elizabeth RuffingWhile prowling around the yard, I found one of the few remaining dandelion flowers. The wind was blowing while I tried to get it into focus. It looks like it is floating through green space.

Abandoned mockingbird nest, by Elizabeth RuffingI also came across the abandoned mockingbird nest in my beauty bush. I kind of wish I could climb in there. It looks like a good place to hide out, if you are tiny.

Moss on tree bark, by Elizabeth RuffingEven decaying things look beautiful. I keep passing this moss on tree bark.

Big white tree mushroom, by Elizabeth RuffingI found a giant mushroom too. I wish I knew what kind this was. If anyone knows, please tell me. I loved to collect them when I was little. Bird nests and mushrooms make me think of homes for magical woodland creatures.

Big white tree mushroom, by Elizabeth Ruffing

Speaking of woodland creatures, a second little black kitten was spotted, twice now, running up to our front door in the dark, to quickly grab some snacks out from under Santana, when they are put out. As I mentioned before, we have been having strays showing up at our neighbors’ houses, then a kitten, and now a second kitten. I have been trying to trap here, hoping to get the kitten some veterinary help, since I can’t get to where the cats are coming out of the woods behind my next door neighbor’s garage, but it isn’t working.

Santana, orange cat, guarding cat trap by Elizabeth Ruffing

I turned our porch light on to see this happening, Santana guarding the trap door. So far, I have trapped him twice, and an opossum once. Santana thought that was funny. He was lying next to the trap when I came out to escort the opossum off the porch, and gave me a nod and a meow to let me know he wasn’t the one who fell for it that time.

Santana, orange cat, scratched nose by Elizabeth RuffingSantana, who comes from across the cul-de-sac from us, firmly believes our house is his house, and our yard is his yard. He has also been fighting with the cats who cross the lawn, chasing them away. He has bites and scratches every few days lately. He recovers from one set of injuries only to get new ones.

Santana, orange cat, scratched nose by Elizabeth RuffingThis morning, there was fur all over the lawn, and his face has some scratches. I don’t know who the other participant was, only that he was gray and possibly white. I think Santana’s Convenia shot will probably tide him over for these cuts. I hope the other cat is okay.

Fur all over the lawn, by Elizabeth RuffingIt’s tough to control the situation, when none of the cats involved are ours, and the strays are showing up for food at neighbors’ houses. I end up asking for them to trap where the cats are so they can get fixed and vaccinated. There isn’t much hope of any adult cat getting trapped on our property, not with Santana fighting with them, even if he does seem to tolerate kittens and opossums.

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Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyEddie and Ethel are handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art dolls, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyEddie and Ethel are tabby Maine Coon kittens who live next door to each other and have been friends for all their young lives.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyIn the spring and summer they sit on the big white swing in Ethel’s back yard and have long conversations. Eddie likes to tell stories.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“Once upon a time there was a very very handsome prince, the handsomest in all the land. He lived in a two-story house on Larkspur Lane.”

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“Did he have a job?” asks Ethel, who is very practical.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“No. Princes don’t have jobs. They play with toys, climb trees, swing on swings, and look for princesses.”

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“I live on Larkspur Lane,” Ethel says. “I don’t know if I’m a princess, but maybe I am.”

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“You’re definitely a princess!” exclaims Eddie. “When we grow up, will you marry me?”

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max Bailey“I will if we can still live next door to each other,” answers Ethel.

Eddie nods and looks very pleased, and very very handsome.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyEddie is wearing tan pants with shoulder straps and a sweater that has blue, orange, and pale gold stripes. Ethel’s dress is burnt orange with an ivory ruffled collar edged in pale orange.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyEddie and Ethel are one-of-a-kind works of art, and are meant for display only. They were sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Eddie and Ethel were painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time. They are signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and come with a certificate of authenticity.

Eddie and Ethel, miniature Maine Coon cat art dolls, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kittens by artist Max BaileyEddie and Ethel are 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) Eddie is 1 and 1/2 inches tall, and so is Ethel.

Update: Eddie and Ethel have been adopted. Thank you!

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Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max Bailey

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy is a handmade miniature original, one-of-a-kind cat art doll, hand painted and hand sculpted in paperclay by artist Max Bailey.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy is a calico kitten with dramatic markings and yellow-green eyes.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe is a free spirit. She does exactly as she pleases, and makes her way in the world on her own terms.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy loves to explore, and if she were not so brightly colored, she would be very hard to find.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe likes to perch on high places, and hide in little out-of-the-way nooks and crannies.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileySometimes Gypsy appears from out of nowhere, and surprises everyone. She thinks that’s great fun.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy is wearing a two-toned green dress, with a soft gold ruffled collar. She sits prettily on a wooden chair that has a woven seat.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy is a one-of-a-kind work of art, and is meant for display only. She was sculpted from paperclay in multiple stages, to allow for drying and detailing.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy was painted under a magnifying light, with tiny brushes, one hair at a time.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyShe is signed and sealed with matte varnish for protection and preservation, and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy is 1:12 scale. (One inch equals one foot.) She is 1 and 1/2 inches tall, not including her ears

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyUpdate: Gypsy has been adopted. Thank you!

Gypsy, miniature calico cat art doll, handmade original, one-of-a-kind kitten by artist Max BaileyGypsy’s friends are Gretchen the silver tabby American Shorthair kitten and Doreen the tabby-and-white kitten.